Places To Visit

What to Do in Morocco: Top Picks

Beautifully chaotic, colorful, and exotic, Morocco is a country full of life. Nestled in North Africa between the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, this country will take you on an exciting adventure as you experience Moroccan culture and scenery. Planning a trip? Here’s what to do in Morocco and the best experiences to have.

Quick Tips:

Morocco is a predominantly Muslim country, so it’s advised to dress more modestly to avoid any unwanted attention. Also, Moroccan Arabic and French are widely spoken throughout the country, so any French knowledge will likely come in handy!

Get lost in Marrakech’s chaotic souks

Marrakech might not be the capital, but it’s certainly the most visited and liveliest of Moroccan cities. So, spend some days getting lost in the souks of Marrakech, shopping for unique items, and bartering for the best price.

Let your imagination wander

It’s a fun and cultural experience to have in Morocco, and one that will leave you with some pretty sweet souvenirs like silver lanterns, unique carpets, and fresh spices.

Go bathe at a hammam

Hammams are embedded in Moroccan culture. For locals it’s more than just a bath, it’s a social gathering that intends to purify both the body and the mind.

It’s also one of the best things to experience on a trip to Morocco. Whether you want to visit a public or private bath, hammams are dispersed around Morocco. Visit spas or hotels for a more luxurious experience. You’ll enjoy a full body cleanse, scrubbing, and likely a massage to top it off.

Take a trip into the desert

A trip to the desert is such a special experience to have in Morocco. Riding a camel past perfectly crafted sand dunes and watching the stars twinkle at night, free from light pollution, complete with a vibrant morning sunrise is reason enough to visit Morocco.

Lawrence of Arabia anyone?

Visit the Merzouga Desert (Erg Chebbi) for beautiful sand dunes in Morocco.

Drink mint tea and watch the world go by

Imagine sipping a fresh cup of mint tea in a cozy cafe by Marrakech’s bustling Jemaa el-Fna square as you enjoy the magical chaos around you. Or, on the other hand, you can enjoy a glorious mint tea as you watch Atlantic waves crash along the sand at a white-washed cafe in Essaouira.

Cool and refreshing!

Both are possible in Morocco and both are equally inspirational and wonderful in their own ways. Regardless of your scenery of choice, drinking mint tea is essential in Morocco. Locals even refer to it as whiskey!

See the Fes tanneries

The imperial city of Morocco, Fes is wonderfully full of history and charm. Visiting a local leather tannery is one of the best experiences to have in Fes as it’s one of the city’s biggest industries and deeply rooted in the city’s culture.

Ah, those colors!

The best and oldest (built in the 11th century) is the Chouara Tannery located in the oldest medina quarter of the city.

Wander the blue city of Chefchaouen

Famous for its blue-washed walls, buildings, and even many of its streets, Chefchaouen is one of the Morocco’s most beautiful villages. It’s located in the north of Morocco and is absolutely worth the journey. Enjoy exploring this unique village full of flowers, plants, and all things blue. A visit here is definitely on of our top recommendations for what to do in Morocco.

Who would want to ever leave this magical place?

Enjoy Moroccan food

You can’t come to Morocco without diving into the culinary scene. Plus, Moroccan food is exceptional. From breakfast to dinner, Moroccans know how to make a dish. Try tajine, consisting of various varieties of vegetables, meat, and spices slow-cooked in a classic tajine clay dish.


For desserts, try Moroccan almond baklava and delicious stuffed dates.

Visit Aït Benhaddou

As a day trip from Marrakech or a pit stop on your way to the sand dunes, Aït Benhaddou is a uniquely spectacular village made entirely out of earthen clay. Most families have since moved away to more modern villages, but four families still remain and keep this village looking beautiful.

Go surfing in Essaouira

Popular for its great waves and notable guests like Jimi Hendrix and Cat Stevens (apparently, they liked to come here for inspiration), Essaouira is a beautiful fishing town on the Atlantic Coast. Here you can enjoy this town’s relaxed pace as you surf and befriend visitors from around the world.

Soak up views of the Atlas Mountains

Bring a sweater and take a trip up to the scenic Atlas Mountains and marvel at the views of Morocco’s countryside. There’s also valleys, waterfalls, and Berber villages in this area so there’s plenty of things to see and do.

Awe-inspiring and a must for any traveler to see

You can also enjoy hikes around the Ourika Valley with picturesque views of the Atlas Mountains and its surrounding tiny villages, making for a great day trip from Marrakech.

Final Words

We live in a beautiful and magical world full of many surprises. We hope you’ve enjoyed our taste of some of the best things on offer in our guide of what to do in Morocco. Where will you go this year?